2758m) on 2014-02-22 (Saturday)
France / Belledonne BRA
Skiing grade: AD-|S4, recommended minimum skitouring level: n/a (click for more details)
- Start altitude : 1205m
- Top altitude
: 2758m
- Total climb difference
: 1550m
- Outing's main aspect
: 45.295953, 6.143508
- Map
: 34330T allevard,
External sources:
Required equipment Basic
- DVA + Snow Shovel + avalanche probe
- Warm hat, scarf, sweater, hooded anorak, waterresistant clothing (windbreaker, balaclava), warm gloves, ski pants, gaiters, warm socks, helmet
- Ski touring Shoes
- Skis with touring bindings (downhill and free-heel), poles with wide baskets and climbing skins (coated with glue), Ski crampons.
- Backpack with front strap for skis
- Sunglasses with protective lenses, sunscreen lotion, lip balm, snow mask
- Wax, space blanket, whistle
- Waterflask, Thermos bottle, pocket knife, toilet paper
- First aid kit (elasticated support bandage, adhesive tape, bandages, gauze swabs, aspirine or paracetamol,safety pins, Arnica 9CH pills, etc. )
- I.D. card or passport (you need one for passing borders…)
- Mobile phone (switched on but on silence mode), GPS if you have one
Same destination outings
Outing details:
Meeting on 2014-02-22 - Saturday
Comments and notes:
WE Belledonne avec nuit en gite a st collomban des Villards
Le samedi le depart du cern est a 6h15
J1 1400-1700m de D+ (multiple re-phocage possible)
J2 1400-1700m de D+ (multiple re-phocage possible)
Niveau AD tres bon skieur
Il est prevu de faire des boucles entre differentes "combes" (col du Tepey, selle du puy Gris col du sambuis, col du Glezin etc...)
Casque et crampons (crampons alpinisme type leger ok) obligatoires, piolet non necessaire)
Subscriptions closed
Instructor(s) (1):
Guillaume ANDREOLETY instructor ,Participant(s) 5, including confirmed and on waiting list :
1 Sandrine STATUS: OK photos2 Lucie STATUS: OK instructor photos
3 Goetz STATUS: OK
4 Tomasz STATUS: OK
5 Jean-Philippe STATUS: OK instructor
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