Nonem) on 2021-03-21 (Sunday)
France / Chablais - Faucigny BRA
Skiing grade: PD|S3, recommended minimum skitouring level: Good (click for more details)
- Start altitude : Nonem
- Top altitude
: Nonem
- Total climb difference
: 1450m
- Outing's main aspect
: None
: None, None
- Map
: None,
External sources:
Required equipment None
Same destination outings
Outing details: Maximum participants 5
Meeting on 2021-03-21 - Sunday
Comments and notes:
Instructor(s) (1):
Gaud CATHO instructor ,Participant(s) 3, including confirmed and on waiting list :
1 Benoit STATUS: OK2 Jan STATUS: OK photos
3 Jonathan STATUS: OK photos
Ski Touring Section @ 2020-2024;
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