Season 2019/2020 outings Jump to the next active week-end 2025-03-15 - 2025-03-16

Note that this is a preliminary schedule and we have tentatively scheduled/completed: 30 outings.
This number may, and most certainly will(!), evolve during the season, as more detailed weather forecasts and instructors' availability evolves.

Check all the 2019/2020 season's outings on the map or browse all pictures taken during the outings

This is public view for the club's members and guests. We are part of the CERN SkiClub.
All the details of how to subscribe, how we organize outings and about the team behind our section you can find on our CERN SkiClub Ski Touring Section information page.

Last but not least, remember to tag your photos with #cernskitouring when you post them on your favorites social medias.

When Where
Saturday 2020-01-11 Arek Oriol Pietro Guillaume Gaud Nicolas 1/2 JOURNEE EXERCICES DVA/PELLE/SONDE DANS LE JURA (Suisse / Jura Vaudois) NA|S2

Please subscribe ASAP using your Kananas personal access/account!! (Option with or without REGA visit...)

Sunday 2020-01-12 Oriol Arek CROISSE BAULET (DEPUIS LA GIETTAZ) (France / Aravis) PD|S3
Saturday 2020-01-18 Pietro Celine DENT DE VALERETTE (Suisse / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges - Fiz) PD|S3
Sunday 2020-01-19 Arek Nicolas Pietro Lucie Gaud 1/2 JOURNEE EXERCICES DVA/PELLE/SONDE AU PLATEAU DE SOMMAND (France / Chablais - Faucigny) NA|NA

Please subscribe ASAP using your Kananas personal access/account!!

Sunday 2020-01-19 Celine COL RATTI DEPUIS LE COL DE L'ENCRENAZ (France / Chablais - Faucigny) F|S2 MAX: 7
je vous propose une fondue apres la sortie au resto du col de l' Encrenaz - pour info : 20 euros pour la fondue + indemnite conducteur : 20 euros.
Saturday 2020-01-25 Celine LA DOLE DEPUIS ST-CERGUE (Suisse / Jura Vaudois) PD-|S2 MAX: 7
Crampons-ski obligatoire. prevoir remboursement driver 15 euros (environs)
Sunday 2020-01-26 Oriol Gaud POINTE DE MANDALLAZ (France / Aravis) PD|S2 MAX: 7
Sunday 2020-01-26 Guillaume LE RECULET DEPUIS THOIRY - JOURNEE SECURITE DVA+MANIP DE CORDE (France / Jura, Pays De Gex) PD|NA
Manip de corde: ajournee pour cause de manque de neige
Sunday 2020-01-26 Lucie CANCELED TETE DE LA SALLAZ (France / Bornes) F+|S3 MAX: 8
Saturday 2020-02-01 STAGE "ORIENTATION & CARTOGRAPHIE" (France / Mont Blanc) NA|NA
Please contact us if you want to participate.
Saturday 2020-02-01 Pietro CANCELED CHAUX DE TOMPEY (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) F+|S3

Outing replaced by Tete a Josue

Saturday 2020-02-01 Nicolas CANCELED TETE DU PARMELAN DEPUIS AVIERNOZ (France / Aravis) F|S2 MAX: 6

REPLACED by tete de Bossetan

Saturday 2020-02-01 Gaud Guillaume SOUS DINE DEPUIS MONT PITON (France / Aravis) F+|NA MAX: 6
Saturday 2020-02-01 Nicolas TETE DE BOSSETAN DEPUIS L'ERIGNE (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) PD|S3 MAX: 7
Rdv 7am at cern club car park
Saturday 2020-02-01 Pietro TETE A JOSUE (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD|S3
Sunday 2020-02-02 Arek CANCELED BEL OISEAU : VOIE NORMALE PAR LE COL DU BEL OISEAU (Suisse / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges - Fiz) PD+|S3 MAX: 7

CANCELED/ANNULEE: BRA and weather forecast not favorable!

Saturday 2020-02-08 Pietro COL DES PAUVRES (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD+|S3
Saturday 2020-02-08 Nicolas POINTE DES MATTES (France / Chablais - Faucigny) PD-|S2 MAX: 6
Sunday 2020-02-09 Lucie TETE DE LA SALLAZ (France / Bornes) F+|S3
8 participants maximum
Sunday 2020-02-09 Arek BEL OISEAU : VOIE NORMALE PAR LE COL DU BEL OISEAU (Suisse / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges - Fiz) PD+|S3 MAX: 7
Saturday 2020-02-15 STAGE GLACIER (France / Mont Blanc) NA|NA
Saturday 2020-02-15 Oriol COL DE LA FENETRE / COL DE LA CICLE DEPUIS LES CONTAMINES (France / Beaufortain) PD+|S3 MAX: 7

Wait for the final email with an attendance confirmation.

Sunday 2020-02-16 Lucie BONHOMME DU TSAPI DEPUIS BOURG ST-PIERRE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S3 MAX: 6
6 max

Wait for the final email with an attendance confirmation.

Sunday 2020-02-16 Celine LA HAUTE POINTE (CHABLAIS) (France / Chablais - Faucigny) PD-|NA
En circuit par les 3 cols (col de Cordon, Pointe de Chavannais, Col de Chavant ) ? PD+ 6 participants max prevoir 16 euros pour les conducteurs.
Saturday 2020-02-22 Nicolas WE A L' HOSPICE DU GRAND SAINT BERNARD (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S3 MAX: 5

1/2 pension @hospice, 50chf! J1 Menouve or Barasson or Fourchon/J2 Combe de l'A

Saturday 2020-02-22 Gaud TARDEVANT, AMBREVETTA (France / Aravis) PD|S3 MAX: 6
Sunday 2020-02-23 Guillaume LA TOURNETTE (NORMALE DEPUIS BELCHAMP) (France / Aravis) PD+|S3 MAX: 6
On-line subscription only
Sunday 2020-02-23 Arek Gaud GRAND CHAVALARD (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) AD|NA MAX: 5
Foresee 20CHF for the lift OR additional +300m up, depending on the timing. Be prepared for a long day (~8h) with two/three ways up and lots of skiing down. Only experienced skiers, please. PLAN B (in case of the bad weather): some peak with D+1400m. Crampons and ice-axe needed.

For interested/subscribed - details on the meeting at 6pm - mandatory!

Saturday 2020-02-29 Oriol POINTE DES CARMELITES DEPUIS LE REPOSOIR (France / Aravis) AD-|NA

Outing cancelled. It will be rescheduled soon

Saturday 2020-02-29 Pietro LE CHANTONNET PAR LA CRETE DE LA PERCHE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD-|S2
Sunday 2020-03-01 Arek TETE DE BOSSETAN DEPUIS L'ERIGNE (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) PD|S3
Saturday 2020-03-07 Arek COL DU RASOIR PAR LA COMBE DE SOSAY (France / Aravis) PD+|S3 MAX: 7

Changed towards Combe de Sosay.

Saturday 2020-03-07 Arek Pietro Nicolas Gaud JOURNEE DE LA SECTION RAND0, ALTIPLANO DE CENISE (France / Bornes) NA|NA
Registration is closed. You are assigned to the selected outings in the way to balance the load between outings. No need to come tonight for a permanence. Each outing will be contacted separately by the respective instructor.
Saturday 2020-03-07 Pietro COL DU RASOIR PAR LA COMBE DE SOSAY (France / Aravis) PD+|S3 MAX: 8
Saturday 2020-03-07 Gaud COL DU RASOIR PAR LA COMBE DE SOSAY (France / Aravis) PD+|S3
Saturday 2020-03-07 Nicolas ROCHER DE LESCHAUX (France / Bornes) F+|S2 MAX: 10
Saturday 2020-03-14 Nicolas CANCELED COL DES CHASSEURS (France / Beaufortain) AD|NA

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)

Saturday 2020-03-14 Lucie CANCELED REFUGE D'ARGENTIERE DEPUIS LA GARE DE LOGNAN (France / Mont Blanc) PD|S3 MAX: 4
J1: Col d'Argentiere (PD+/S3), J2: Passon ou 3cols (AD/S3)

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)

Saturday 2020-03-21 Nicolas CANCELED GELTENHORN (Suisse / Alpes Bernoises) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Subscriptions Online will start on Thursday 12th of March, 9am ! Glacier equipment needed...

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)

Sunday 2020-03-22 Guillaume CANCELED POINTE D'AREU DEPUIS LE REPOSOIR (France / Aravis) PD|S2

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)

Sunday 2020-03-22 Gaud CANCELED LES QUATRE TETES (VOIE NORMALES) (France / Aravis) PD|S3 MAX: 6

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)

Saturday 2020-03-28 Arek CANCELED DOMES DE MIAGE, RETOUR PAR ARMANCETTE (France / Mont Blanc) AD|S4 MAX: 4
68E demi-pension in the Ref.CONSCRITS. Foresee glacier equipment: harness, ice axe, crampons, carabiners and ice screw - more details on the permanence 19th of March. Online subscriptions start at 19th of March, face to face meeting mandatory on 19th or 26th 18:00

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)

Sunday 2020-04-19 Guillaume CANCELED REFUGE DES GRANDS MULETS (France / Mont Blanc) AD-|S3

ANNULEE / CANCELED (CERN Clubs Covid19 policy)