Season 2023/2024 outings Jump to the next active week-end 2025-03-15 - 2025-03-16

Note that this is a preliminary schedule and we have tentatively scheduled/completed: 15 outings.
This number may, and most certainly will(!), evolve during the season, as more detailed weather forecasts and instructors' availability evolves.

Check all the 2023/2024 season's outings on the map or browse all pictures taken during the outings

This is public view for the club's members and guests. We are part of the CERN SkiClub.
All the details of how to subscribe, how we organize outings and about the team behind our section you can find on our CERN SkiClub Ski Touring Section information page.

Last but not least, remember to tag your photos with #cernskitouring when you post them on your favorites social medias.

When Where
Sunday 2024-01-07 Gaud 1/2 JOURNÉE SÉCURITÉ + PAS DE LOVEGNO (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) None|None MAX: 5

Safety Outing with outing (only for ancient members). Location TBC. Possibly towards Valais.

Saturday 2024-01-13 Nicolas Arek Oriol 1/2 JOURNEE EXERCICES DVA/PELLE/SONDE AU PLATEAU DE SOMMAND (France / Chablais - Faucigny) NA|NA MAX: 20

Detailed place TBD, Dear Members, please verify if you are subscribed here!

Saturday 2024-01-20 Oriol CRETA DE VELLA DEPUIS DRANSE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Depuis Bourg St Pierre

Destination to be confirmed around Bourg St Pierre area. D+ to be about 900m-1000m

Sunday 2024-01-21 Pietro Celine JOURNEE SECURITE (EXERCICES DVA) DANS LE JURA (France / Jura, Pays De Gex) NA|NA MAX: 20

Mtg at 08:30. Meeting point: 46.414535, 6.061363 (also see on map below)

Saturday 2024-01-27 Pietro POINTE RONDE (France / Mont Blanc) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2024-01-28 Celine ROC DES TOURS DEPUIS LE CHINAILLON (France / Aravis) PD-|S2 MAX: 7
Saturday 2024-02-03 Arek Celine POINTE D'ARDENS (France / Chablais - Faucigny) F|S3 MAX: 9
Remember about the ski-crampons

Suitable for newcomers to the section/ski rando // Sortie spécialement adaptée aux nouveaux arrivants dans la section/et au ski rando

Sunday 2024-02-04 Arek Pietro POINTE DE DRÔNE PAR LA FENÊTRE D'EN HAUT (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) AD-|S4 MAX: 5

Required on top of standard outing gear: Booth crampons, Light harness, 2 lockable carabiners, Ice axel. Experienced ski-tourers only.

Sunday 2024-02-11 Oriol TETE PELOUSE : TRAVERSEE GRAND CRET - BELLA CHA (France / Aravis) PD+|S3 MAX: 5

CANCELLED due to weather!

Saturday 2024-02-17 Pietro COL DES ECANDIES DEPUIS CHAMPEX (Suisse / Val D'Arpette) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Saturday 2024-02-17 Oriol TETE DE BOSSETAN DEPUIS L'ERIGNE (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Saturday 2024-02-24 Pietro CANCELED ENGSTLIGENALP (Suisse / Alpes Bernoises) NA|NA MAX: 5
Weekend in Engstligenal. Inscriptions will open at least a week in advance.

Engsligenalp hut shut down. This w/e outing will change to a single day outing.

Sunday 2024-02-25 Pietro DENT ROUGE (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2024-02-25 Pietro CANCELED ROSABLANCHE EN BOUCLE PAR LE COL DES GENTIANES (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Boot crampons and harness required. Long outing. Please foresee 34CHF for cableway

Outing replaced by Dent Rouge due to avalanche conditions

Saturday 2024-03-02 Pietro BONHOMME DU TSAPI DEPUIS BOURG ST-PIERRE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Saturday 2024-03-09 Pietro ROSABLANCHE EN BOUCLE PAR LE COL DES GENTIANES (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S3 MAX: 5

Boot crampons and harness required. Long outing. Please foresee 34CHF for cableway

Saturday 2024-03-16 Oriol LE BUET PAR LE VALLON DE LA PIERRE A BERARD (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) PD+|S3 MAX: 5

Cancelled due to weather

Saturday 2024-04-06 Guillaume CANCELED Col du Chardonnet (France / Mont Blanc) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Daily outing starting on foot from Argentière village. forcasted starting time at Argentière : 5 am saturday morning outing goal to be updated upon local condition (rerouting to "col du tour noir possible" as the slope is less steep following the snow stability condition)


Saturday 2024-04-06 Guillaume LA TOURNETTE (NORMALE DEPUIS BELCHAMP) (France / Aravis) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
PLAN B, rerouting outing due to "col du Chardonnet" cancelation. outing last minute to see if additional members, in addition to the 2 who subscribe for the initial plan, would like to join.

consider at least 500m D+ on foot at start in the forest track ski or climbing helmet mandatory