Season 2021/2022 outings Jump to the next active week-end 2025-03-15 - 2025-03-16

Note that this is a preliminary schedule and we have tentatively scheduled/completed: 25 outings.
This number may, and most certainly will(!), evolve during the season, as more detailed weather forecasts and instructors' availability evolves.

Check all the 2021/2022 season's outings on the map or browse all pictures taken during the outings

This is public view for the club's members and guests. We are part of the CERN SkiClub.
All the details of how to subscribe, how we organize outings and about the team behind our section you can find on our CERN SkiClub Ski Touring Section information page.

Last but not least, remember to tag your photos with #cernskitouring when you post them on your favorites social medias.

When Where
Saturday 2022-01-08 Arek Pietro Guillaume JOURNEE SECURITE (EXERCICES DVA) DANS LE JURA (France / Jura, Pays De Gex) NA|NA MAX: 20
Half-day safety day. Check the map below to see where is the starting point. RN5, passing the col de la Faucille, and La Vattay, GPS: 46.41502920937792, 6.062125019730063.

The subscriptions are closed, if you still wish to join the outing please us an email. The details about the day were sent via email to the subscribed members.

Sunday 2022-01-09 Lucie TETE DE LA SALLAZ (France / Bornes) F+|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2022-01-16 Pietro Oriol Lucie 1/2 JOURNEE EXERCICES DVA/PELLE/SONDE AU PLATEAU DE SOMMAND (France / Chablais - Faucigny) NA|NA MAX: 15
Half-day safety day with the possible short outing in the neighboring peaks after the training.

Coordinates for the parking: 46.164672 6.552123, this is at the end of the road towards Col de Ramaz. Meeting time 9:00, sharp. An email with the details was sent to the subscribed members. There is still a couple of spots, contact us at: if you did not manage to subscribe!

Sunday 2022-01-16 Gaud CANCELED BECCA DE MONTEAU (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD-|S3 MAX: 5
changed for col du Jorat
Sunday 2022-01-16 Gaud COL DU JORAT (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S2 MAX: 5
Saturday 2022-01-22 Arek PIC CHAUSSY (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2022-01-23 Arek POINTE D'ANDEY (France / Bornes) F|S2 MAX: 6
I will ask for an early start (about 8:30 in Brizon) as I need to be rather early back in PaysDeGex.
Sunday 2022-01-23 Lucie POINTE DE CHALUNE DEPUIS BONNAVAZ (France / Chablais - Faucigny) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Saturday 2022-01-29 Pietro GRAND DENT DE MORCLES PAR LA TETE NOIRE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S4 MAX: 5
Boot Crampons required - Please foresee 21CHF for Ovronnaz chairlift
Sunday 2022-01-30 Pietro COMBE MARTO (France / Aravis) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Saturday 2022-02-05 Guillaume LE RECULET DEPUIS THOIRY - JOURNEE SECURITE DVA+MANIP DE CORDE (France / Jura, Pays De Gex) PD|NA MAX: 5
Practice your rope/security skills with the Famous rope exercise outing in the local Jura :-)
Saturday 2022-02-05 Arek Pietro LES QUATRE TETES (VOIE NORMALES) (France / Aravis) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2022-02-06 Oriol TETE DE BOSSETAN DEPUIS L'ERIGNE (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) PD|S3 MAX: 5

Rescheduled from 15.01.22

Saturday 2022-02-12 Gaud GRAND SAINT BERNARD (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|NA MAX: 5
!! TWO DAYS OUTING WITH NIGHT AT GRAND SAINT BERNARD !! J1 / D1: Mont Telliers puis Montée à l'Hospice J2: M col de la Fenêtre -Combe de l’A. Nuit à l'hospice du Grand Saint Bernard (réservations à l’hospice déjà faites en demi-pension) Night at the hospices du Grand Saint Bernard (nights already booked)

!!! Réservation ouvertes le 27 janvier / Sign up on 27 January !!! Pas de possibilité de venir un seul jour / not possible to come for only one day

Saturday 2022-02-19 Pietro COL DES PAUVRES (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Outing destination changed from Monts Telliers to Col des Pauvres due to snow and weather conditions.
Saturday 2022-02-26 Pietro ROSABLANCHE EN BOUCLE PAR LE COL DES GENTIANES (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Boot crampons and harness required. Long outing. Please foresee 30CHF for cableway
Saturday 2022-02-26 Oriol LA TOURNETTE (NORMALE DEPUIS BELCHAMP) (France / Aravis) PD+|S3

has to be postpone due to indisposed monitor.

Sunday 2022-02-27 Pietro LE METAILLER DEPUIS SUPER NENDAZ (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Saturday 2022-03-05 Pietro LA PARA VERSANT SUD (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD+|S4 MAX: 5
Sunday 2022-03-06 Oriol POINTE DE CHALUNE DEPUIS BONNAVAZ (France / Chablais - Faucigny) PD|S3

cancelled due to indisposed monitor.

Saturday 2022-03-12 Guillaume TROU DE LA MOUCHE DEPUIS LES CONFINS (France / Aravis) AD-|S4 MAX: 5
Saturday 2022-03-19 Lucie CANCELED COL DE LA TERRASSE (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) AD|S4 MAX: 5
replaced with "tricotage dans les Aiguilles Rouges", not enough snow neither up to la Loriaz nor in Tré-les-Eaux.
Saturday 2022-03-19 Lucie AIGUILLES CROCHUES DEPUIS L'INDEX OU LA FLEGERE (France / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Tricotage dans les Aiguilles Rouges (Crochues, Bérard / Ecuelle, Salenton, PD+/S3, D+/- : 900 / 2100) Tarif remontées mécaniques : 26 euros. Up and down in the Aiguilles Rouges mountain range. Lift cost : 26 euros. Crampons and ice axe required+good ski technique (potentially icy snow)
Saturday 2022-03-19 Gaud ROSABLANCHE depuis Prafleuri (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S2 MAX: 5
glacier material reequired Equipment : harness, one ice-screw, 2 carabiners, crampons, helmet (plus usual touring equipment)
Saturday 2022-03-19 Pietro W/E IN VAL D'HERENS (VALAIS, CH) (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Depart Vendredi apres-midi (2 nuits a Evolene) ou RDV sur place (1 nuit a Evolene) - J1: Pointe de Vouasson (PD+/S3 ; D+:1655m) J2: La Luette (PD/S3 ; D+:1297m)
Sunday 2022-03-20 Gaud BECCA DE LOVEGNO (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
changed from saturday 19th to sunday 20th
Sunday 2022-04-10 Gaud CANCELED Wildhorn par les Audannes (Suisse / Alpes Bernoises) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
canceled fo personal reason of the monitor

! D+ +1620 m ! good physical condition required

Saturday 2022-05-07 Pietro CHEVAL BLANC DEPUIS EMOSSON (Suisse / Haut Giffre - Aiguilles Rouges - Fiz) AD-|S4 MAX: 5

Conditional to road opening to Emosson dam.