Season 2024/2025 outings Jump to the next active week-end 2025-03-15 - 2025-03-16

Note that this is a preliminary schedule and we have tentatively scheduled/completed: 18 outings.
This number may, and most certainly will(!), evolve during the season, as more detailed weather forecasts and instructors' availability evolves.

Check all the 2024/2025 season's outings on the map or browse all pictures taken during the outings

This is public view for the club's members and guests. We are part of the CERN SkiClub.
All the details of how to subscribe, how we organize outings and about the team behind our section you can find on our CERN SkiClub Ski Touring Section information page.

Last but not least, remember to tag your photos with #cernskitouring when you post them on your favorites social medias.

When Where
Saturday 2025-01-11 Oriol Celine Nicolas 1/2 JOURNEE EXERCICES DVA/PELLE/SONDE AU PLATEAU DE SOMMAND (France / Chablais - Faucigny) NA|NA MAX: 25

Compulsary safety day. Place TBC

Sunday 2025-01-12 Guillaume LE RECULET DEPUIS THOIRY - JOURNEE SECURITE DVA+MANIP DE CORDE (France / Jura, Pays De Gex) PD|NA MAX: 6
JOURNEE SECURITE AU RECULET RDV 8h00 directement au parking du Tiocan MATIN: EXERCISE DVA materiel: DVA-pelle-sonde APRES MIDI: EXERCICE MANIP DE CORDE - MOUFLAGE - SECURITE GLACIER materiel: baudrier+mousqueton securité, casque, longe+mousqueton sécurité, 2 sangle + mousqueton, 2 anneaux 60cm en dyneema (type"prussik") optionnel: poulie bloqueuse + piolet Sac à dos avec stapp de portage pour les skis, le départ pourrais ce faire à pieds suivant les conditions nivologiques. prévoir des affaires chaudes (temps statique durant les exercices)
Saturday 2025-01-18 Celine POINTE DE LA GAY DEPUIS LE LAC DE VALLON (France / Chablais - Faucigny) PD-|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2025-01-19 Pietro Arek 1/2 JOURNEE EXERCICES DVA/PELLE/SONDE AU PLATEAU DE SOMMAND (France / Chablais - Faucigny) NA|NA MAX: 25

Compulsary safety day. Place TBC

Saturday 2025-01-25 Pietro PIC CHAUSSY (Suisse / Alpes Vaudoises) PD+|S3 MAX: 5
Sunday 2025-01-26 Oriol POINTE RONDE (France / Mont Blanc) PD+|S3 MAX: 6
Saturday 2025-02-01 Arek TARDEVANT, AMBREVETTA (France / Aravis) PD|S3 MAX: 5
Classic ski-tour in the region. Expect rather early start (leave 6:30am)

The location may be changed upon updating the BRA on Thursday afternoon. Subscribed members will be notified via email, at the latest Thursday evening. [Update 18:41] I will keep the outing. The exact details/cars etc will be sent later in the evening today (closer to 22:00) - work duties.

Sunday 2025-02-02 Pietro COL DE BASSE DEPUIS OVRONAZ (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD-|S2 MAX: 5
Sunday 2025-02-02 Celine LA DOLE DEPUIS ST-CERGUE (Suisse / Jura Vaudois) PD-|S2 MAX: 5
Saturday 2025-02-08 Pietro BONHOMME DU TSAPI DEPUIS BOURG ST-PIERRE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD|S3 MAX: 7

+1300m outing with two climbs

Saturday 2025-02-15 Celine JOURNÉE CLUB / SECTION DAY: BOSTAN (France / Chablais - Faucigny) F|None MAX: 8

F outing <1000m

Saturday 2025-02-15 Pietro JOURNÉE CLUB / SECTION DAY: BOSTAN (France / Chablais - Faucigny) F|None

PD outing 1220m Tete de Bossetan depuis L'Erigne.

Saturday 2025-02-15 Oriol JOURNÉE CLUB / SECTION DAY: BOSTAN (France / Chablais - Faucigny) F|None MAX: 6

AD outing >1500m

Sunday 2025-02-16 Celine REFUGE DES PRÉS (France / Beaufortain) NA|NA MAX: 5
Saturday 2025-02-22 Pietro TETE ROUGE PAR LE COL NORD DE MENOUVE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S4 MAX: 5
Boot Crampons required. Descent on the Italian side.
Sunday 2025-03-02 Pietro GRAND DENT DE MORCLES PAR LA TETE NOIRE (Suisse / Valais - Alpes Pennines) PD+|S4 MAX: 5
Boot Crampons, harness and ice axe required.
Saturday 2025-03-08 Pietro MONT FOURCHON ET FENETRE D'EN HAUT DEPUIS BOURG ST BERNARD (Italie / Alpes Pennines) AD-|S4 MAX: 5
Boot Crampons, harness and ice axe required.